Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Brown Sugar
Flour Tortilla's
Olive oil
Frying pan
small "Bowl" (one that is flat on the bottom but at the edges curve up):
       First, place the frying pan on the stove and put the heat up to medium. Then, pour enough olive oil to fill up the frying pan, and enough to be able to dip tortilla into it.
       Then, as it heats up, mix up an even amount of cinnamon, sugar, and brown sugar into the small bowl. This is where you will be dipping the tortillas in.
       After, cut up a few tortillas into triangles. The triangles can but of whatever size preferred. When the tortillas have been sliced up, place one, or two pieces (depending on size of frying pan size), into the oil in the
frying pan and let them sit there for about a minute. Take them          out with the tongs once they are golden brown. Dip them into the combination of cinnamon, sugar, and brown sugar until fully coated. Repeat with all the pieces of the tortillas. Once done, sit down, and enjoy!
        Bunuelos is a popular snack in Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Cuba, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru, Puerto Rico, Spain, Turkey, Greece, and Morocco, and is a tradition at Christmas. Though it is a tradition at Christmas, many families, mine included, make these tasty snacks for other celebrations as well. They are perfect for any types of celebrations. They are perfect, finger food, but may be a little messy. Just grab a napkin, though, and all will be good! It should only take 30 minutes to make about 20 to 30 of them, depending on size.
       Tips: I would recommend getting a 24 packet of soft taco flour tortillas for this recipe. Of course, the entire packet is not needed, but the rest can be used for other times. I used 5 of these tortillas and cut them into half, then cut those pieces into half, and then cut those, making  8 triangles out of one tortilla. This made 40 bunuelos, which was the perfect amount. Also, when placing the tortillas into the frying pan, place them carefully in with the tongs, making sure that the oil does not splash out of the pan, burning someone.
       A part that I had difficulty with was knowing how long the tortilla triangles were supposed to be left in the pan. What you want is for the tortilla to form little air bubbles, not be flat entirely. You want the edges to be darker, and the middle to be a little lighter (as shown in the picture). Also, you must remember to flip the tortilla a couple of times so that both sides are equally cooked. Remember these few things, and you will undoubtedly enjoy these tasty treats!(:

Monday, November 4, 2013

Snicker Doodle Cookies
1/2 cup of shortening
1 1/2 cup of sugar
2 3/4 cup of flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 cup butter, room temperature
2 eggs
2 tsp cream of tartar
1/4 tsp salt
Cinnamon/sugar to roll cookies in
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. In a large bowl, add cream shortening and butter. Then add the 1 1/4 cups of sugar and the eggs. Cream (mix) these ingredients until light and fluffy. After the ingredients are light and fluffy, add flour, cream of tarter, baking soda, and salt; stir until well blended.
In a small separate bowl, combine the cinnamon and sugar together.
Roll the dough into balls the size of walnuts. Then roll these balls into the cinnamon/sugar mixture. Continue doing this until all the dough is used up. Then place the balls onto an ungreased cookie sheet about 2 inches apart from each other. Place in oven and bake for about 8 to 10 minutes, or until light brown. Remove from the oven and cool on a wire rack.
*Note: cookies puff when they begin to bake and then flatten out with crinkled tops. Yields about 8 cookies.
When these delicious treats were made, we forgot to add the eggs and the sugar before we started to mix them up. When we finally did add up all these ingredients, we did not make them as light and fluffy as was wanted, so when all the dry ingredients were added, there were large chunks of butter. At first we were unable to identify what the ingredient was, but after smelling and toughing it, we realized that it was a large chunk of butter. This resulted in us having to mix all the ingredients together for a longer time than needed. So, a tip is to actually mix the butter, eggs, cream shortening, and sugar together well, so that no ingredient can be seen by itself! Also, when rolling the dough in the cinnamon and sugar mixture, make sure that every part of the dough is covered, but do not put too much on the dough.
This delicious treat is perfect for parties and little goody bag treats! It will be difficult to keep the children's sticky fingers from snatching at these cookies. Not only will the children be gobbling them down, so will the guests, so make sure there are enough made! :)

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

1/2 cup pecans or walnuts, toasted and coarsely chopped
2 cups grated raw carrot(2-3 peeled carrots)
I large apple, peeled and grated
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 1/4 cups sugar
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1 cup coconut
3 large eggs
3/4 cup vegetable oil
1 1/2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
OPTIONAL: Cream Cheese Frosting
1/4 cup unsalted butter, room temperature
4 ounces (1/2 cup) cream cheese, room temperature
3 tablespoons confectioners' (powder or icing) sugar
1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
        In a large bowl, whisk together the flower, sugar, baking soda, baking powder, salt, and the ground cinnamon. After, stir in the nuts that were toasted, and the coconut (sweetened or unsweetened). Then, set aside the bowl.
        In a separate bowl, whisk together the eggs, oil, and the vanilla extract. Fold the wet ingredients along with the grated carrots and apple. After folding the wet ingredients with the carrot and apple, combine this substance with the dry ingredients (flour mixture). Stir until moistened.
       Grab a muffin tray and spray, or place the muffin paper cups on the tray. Evenly divide the batter between the prepared muffin cups and bake for about 20 to 25 minutes, or until a toothpick, inserted in the center, comes out clean.
       Beat the butter and the cream cheese until very smooth, with no lumps. Gradually beat in the powdered sugar until fully incorporated and smooth. Finally, beat in the vanilla extract.
       After removing the muffins from the oven, place them on a wire rack to let cool. After about 10 minutes, remove the muffins from the pan to cool off completely. After cooled off completely, frost the cupcakes.
       While baking this delicious, and somewhat healthy recipe, I had the most difficulty knowing when the muffins were ready or not. My muffins were taken out of the oven too soon. I did not know until I was told. The way that you will be able to decide if they are ready or not is by the top. If you are able to press down on them, and then they come right back up, they are not ready. You should be able to leave a dent on the top of them. Also, the top was a light brown, when it needs to look like a little darker than golden brown. Also, if allergic to nuts, or just dislike them, you can take them out, or insert less, if wanted. Another thing to remember is that all looks do not depict the way that the muffins taste. The first time that I ever made these muffins, they did not look so good. But, once I tried them, they tasted delicious. After that, I kept making them, and every time, their looks got better and better.
       This muffins, in my opinion, are great snacks or appetizers to be placed out at parties. They are not messy, and don't even require much time to make. Or, they can be snacks for kids to take to school, or before a sport. Also, around Halloween or thanksgiving is a perfect time to serve them. All your party members will be craving for more of these delicious messy free treats. So, hurry now I start getting these ingredients to make these delicious treats. Oh, and do not forget...Enjoy!

Monday, September 16, 2013

2 cups of flour                        2 tsp grated zest
1/4 cup sugar                          6 TBL cold unsalted butter, cut into pieces
1 TBL baking powder            1/2 cup of chocolate chips
1/2 tsp salt                              3/4 cup of heavy cream
           In a bowl, stir together the flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, and lemon zest. Using a pastry blender, cut in the batter until the mixture forms large coarse crumbs the size of small pies. Stir the chocolate chips, and then pour the cream over the dry ingredients and mix with a rubber spatula, or with hands, until the dry ingredients are moistened.
           Pout the dough out onto a lightly floured work surface and press together gently until the dough clings together in a ball. Pat out into a circle about 1/2 inch thick and 6 1/2 inches in diameter. Cut the round into 6 wedges. Place onto a cookie sheet that is lined with parchment.
           Topping: brush the scone with whole milk and top with cinnamon or sugar. Bake in preheated (400 degrees) oven until golden brown. Or for about 12 to 15 minutes. Transfer to wire rack and cool slightly. Serve warm.
           When making this delicious pastry, it was difficult at first, due to a little mix up with the timing. But, something to remember is mise-en-place, which is French for everything in its place. This means that before you start baking, you should set up all the ingredients and measurements in front of you, to make sure that you have everything that is needed. This helps prevent mistakes that are bound to happen. Well, hope you enjoy this delicious recipe!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Strawberry and Banana  Protein Smoothie

               Ingredients:                                                    Directions:

              3 egg whites                                                      - place ice first into blender
              handful ice                                                        - then place strawberries and banana into
              cup of strawberries                                              blender
              cup of water                                                      - then place egg whites only and then
              banana                                                                 water
                                                                                        - blend on high until none of the   
                                                                                        - visible (no chunks, all smooth)

N.d. Photograph. allrecipes.comPrint.
This recipe is not only simple, but tasty and healthy as well. Whenever my mother happens to buy strawberries and bananas, we are sure to make Strawberry and Banana Smoothies in the morning, starting your day with a healthy and tasty breakfast.