Sunday, September 1, 2013

Strawberry and Banana  Protein Smoothie

               Ingredients:                                                    Directions:

              3 egg whites                                                      - place ice first into blender
              handful ice                                                        - then place strawberries and banana into
              cup of strawberries                                              blender
              cup of water                                                      - then place egg whites only and then
              banana                                                                 water
                                                                                        - blend on high until none of the   
                                                                                        - visible (no chunks, all smooth)

N.d. Photograph. allrecipes.comPrint.
This recipe is not only simple, but tasty and healthy as well. Whenever my mother happens to buy strawberries and bananas, we are sure to make Strawberry and Banana Smoothies in the morning, starting your day with a healthy and tasty breakfast.

1 comment:

  1. Your recipes seem wonderful, and I bet the outcome result is delicious! I can't wait try your recipes out.
