Monday, January 20, 2014

It's a New Year 

Last year was a good year but I am hoping that this year will be a better year. I did make a New Year's resolution for last year but all the things that were listed were not all accomplished, and this year, they will be. This year is a new year, meaning a fresh start, not only in school but at home and for myself. 

This year, I plan to drink water constantly. I never really bothered to drink water because I was never really thirsty. I also would always forget to put water into my bag in the mornings because I would get up late. I want to start eating healthy. In the mornings I would never eat breakfast because I never had time to and wasn't really hungry. That then would make me hungry when I got home from school so I would eat like a bunch of snacks and then I would sometimes eat dinner. This is not healthy at all. It has affected my metabolism and weight as well. I am going to work out everyday so that I can get fit and healthy. I want to be stronger than I am now, which isn't that strong. I also just want to be able to be happy about my body, and I am not right now. 

This year, I hope to keep doing good in school and predict that I will not slack like I did in ninth grade during the last semester. I predict that I will find out what I would like to study so hat I can begin to focus all my classes on that area. I have been vacillating between being a lawyer or a pediatrician. But this year I will figure it out. I also predict that this year will be a better year for my family and I, better than last year. I pray that it will be and that my entire family will be safe. 

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