Thursday, February 13, 2014

Banana and Peanut Butter Sandwich

Peanut Butter 
Two slices of bread
Butter knife

1. First, place the two pieces of bread on a napkin or plate. Face the side up that you wish to be the middle.
2. Second, grab your knife and spread some peanut butter on each side, preferably an equal amount on each slice.
3. Peel the banana and CAREFULLY slice up the banana into equal pieces. Don't cut yourself! Slice it the thick way, not the long way, so that it makes little cylinders of banana. Also shown in the picture to the right.

4. Place the banana slices
(or cylinders, whatever you want to call therm) onto the bread evenly.
5. You can eat any of the extra banana slices that are left over like I do! Yummy bananas(:

6. And FINALLY, you place the other slice of bread that has only the peanut butter on it over the one with bananas and Enjoy!

I tend to eat this snack right after school before I have swim practice. It is extremely simple to make, the simplest yet of all my recipes, and is extremely quick as well. Instead of waiting for your food to prepare, impatient from not eating all day, it will be done within minutes. Plus, it is not expensive at all! Also, it is healthy so it doesn't upset my stomach before or during swim. It is a good 'snack' before any sport and will not leave you still hungry! I have also eaten it for breakfast, just changing a little bit of the directions. I just toast the bread! Also, you can exchange the bananas for peanut butter and it will still be delicioso!! Hope you enjoy this quick and easy snack and begin to eat it a lot! Enjoy(:

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